Download Bengals Schedule To My Current Outlook Calendar

Updated August 23rd, 2021.

Note: you may have been subscribing to various NFL calendars via Scott Crevier's site. That's what I've been doing, until this year. Scott's site is no longer providing calendars so I am stepping up here and providing this tiny sliver of the NFL Schedule– every prime-time NFL game, with teams and TV channels and times, whether on Monday Night, Sunday Night, or Thursday Night. Works on Macs and PCs, whether you're using Apple's Calendar apps or Google's Calendar.

Bonus: I've added the Thanksgiving Day games and the late-season Saturday games.

The 2021 NFL schedule is out, and it's super-helpful to know who's playing and when, so you can make plans. It's even more useful to have that information displayed within the Calendar apps on your iPhone and iPad and Mac so you don't have to cross-reference some website with the rest of your work and social life, which most likely is stored in your Calendar app.

For me, it's especially nice to have the prime-time NFL games on my calendar. Those are the ones I want to watch. You'd think you could go to and download a prime-time schedule, but you'd be wrong– it's not there!

So I made my own, partly by hand, partly by AppleScript, and I'm sharing it with you.

Adding the 2021 NFL Prime Time schedule to your Mac's Calendar app

If you're using a Mac, you can get the 2021 NFL Prime-Time schedule in a couple of clicks by clicking here.

You'll get a box like this (you may also see something about "Do you want to allow this page to open 'Calendar'" which you should say yes to):

Adding the NFL Prime-Time calendar.
Just click "Subscribe"

Don't change anything. Just click Subscribe, and you'll see a box like this:

Adding the NFL Prime Time games to a Mac's calendar.
You can make some changes in this box…

You will probably want to make some changes here. You can change the name of the calendar, the color of the calendar (I chose green). You can change the Location of the calendar (if I were you I'd change "On My Mac" to your iCloud account because then it will show up on your iPhone and iPad too). You can remove the alerts and attachments (I would do that), and I would tell it to auto-refresh every day, in case the schedule changes as it often does with late-season Sunday Night games.

Adding the NFL Prime Time games to a Mac's calendar (changed options)
Changed options

Here's how it looks in your Mac's Calendar app.

The NFL Prime Time calendar.
The NFL Prime Time Calendar, on the Mac

If you start with the Mac, and you change the Location to your iCloud account, and if your iPhone and iPad are signed into the same iCloud account as your Mac, you will see the calendar on your iPhone and iPad automatically. It looks like so:

The NFL Prime Time calendar on an iPhone.
NFL Prime Time calendar on an iPhone

Whether on the Mac or on the iPhone, the games all start with a little football icon to help you pick them out of a busy schedule.

Of course you can tap the link for the 2021 NFL Prime Time Calendar using your iPhone, and add it to your iPhone's calendar in just a few clicks. However, if you add the calendar to the iPhone first (before the Mac), it will NOT give you the option to save it to your iCloud account, and therefore it will not show up on your Mac. You'll have to add it to your Mac yourself. My advice: add the calendar to your Mac first so you only have to do the work once.

Adding the NFL Prime Time Schedule to your Google Calendar

Not an iPhone user? Or, not an Apple Calendar app user? Here's how you add the NFL Prime Time schedule to your Google Calendar, using a browser.

This is easy: click the special Google Calendar link to subscribe.

This SHOULD take you to your own Google calendar, in your browser, and you should be asked whether you want to add the NFL Primetime calendar. Of course you'll click the "Add" button.

Adding the NFL Primetime calendar in Google Calendar
Adding the NFL Primetime calendar to Google Calendar

When you're done it should look like this:

NFL Primetime calendar in Google Calendar
Check out those games!

Final thoughts

In case you're wondering: YES, the calendar will show the game times using your time zone. That is, a game that starts at 8:20 PM Eastern will show up as 8:20 PM Eastern in calendars in the Eastern Time zone, and as 7:20 PM Central, and as 5:20 PM Pacific. And YES, if there's an adjustment to the schedule I will update it here and you'll see the update soon enough on your own devices. Also YES, if you subscribe to this calendar and do literally nothing after that you will see NEXT YEAR'S NFL PRIME TIME SCHEDULE magically appear, sometime next May.

To the best of my knowledge this is the only NFL Prime Time schedule of its kind, so please share the calendar (and this post) with your friends.

Copyright 2008-2021 Christian Boyce. All rights reserved.

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Christian Boyce


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